Join the ranks of those who have committed to a more efficient freight transportation system, and to better ways to collaborate on challenging commercial and public policy issues.


$69 per year

1 Forum Login

1 Person Survey Participation

1 IntelliConference Discount


$379 per year

5 Forum Logins

5 Person Survey Participation

5 IntelliConference Discounts


$1779 per year

25 Forum Logins

25 Person Survey Participation

25 IntelliConference Discounts

Company Logo featured on Membership Page


$3479 per year

25 Forum Logins

25 Person Survey Participation

25 IntelliConference Discounts

Company Logo and Ad Copy featured on Membership Page

Why Join OnTrackNorthAmerica?

By joining OTNA, you provide important financial support for us to develop the innovative and impactful program initiatives that serve as an important foundation for constructing a new reality for freight rail across the North American continent.
Joining OTNA as a member enables you to make a public statement that it’s important to you that our objectives come to fruition. We are building a community of interest among railroad, finance, and public policy professionals who are aligned with our Signature Initiative: Doubling Freight Rail Utilization by 2025. We are offering you the opportunity to publicly stand with us to make this a reality.

Member Benefits

Member Forum Access

Members are also invited to participate in OTNA’s online member’s forum. We are building the premier online community to encourage learning, sharing, and knowledge among peers. Members can become discussion leaders and topic experts, providing the opportunity to establish credibility and visibility in a unique setting which combines folks from the rail industry and government.

IntelliConference Discount

Members are also entitled to reduced fees for participating in OnTrackNorthAmerica’s IntelliConference series, which convene industry leaders, public policy professionals, and academics. These conferences are held in Philadelphia, PA and are also conducted online.

Survey Participation

OTNA members will also get to participate in periodic industry surveys and will get the results from these studies before they are released publicly. This is an important way for you to stay current with trends in rail transportation and infrastructure planning.

Member Directory

Members also are entitled to being listed in OTNA’s exclusive Directory. We are building the industry’s broadest and most influential community of individuals and firms who are interested and involved in a compelling future for rail development. You can also opt for anonymous participation. But we think there’s lots of value for folks who step forward as fully recognized and active community members.

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